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Who are we ?

Recycle Your Vape is a company created under the idea of the love we feel for our planet. Under that feeling guiding us by the Idea of how to serve and help to prevent waste (plastic, copper, batteries) found in vapes from ending up in the general waste with all the inconveniences that this can cause, we took on this project in which we hope to count not only on the collaboration of the different governmental bodies but also with our sponsors who we know share our concern.
In the UK alone it is estimated that at least fifty million vapes (50,000,000,000.00) are consumed each year and end up in the regular rubbish bin. It is our aim that with our initiative and project these devices will end up in our bins and be recycled. We love the earth, recycle your vape.
“Our goal is to design and manufacture products that make recycling vapes and small devices containing batteries, plastic, and copper easier. We aim to prevent these items from being mixed with regular waste or ending up in nature, thereby protecting our planet.
keep Vaping Green
Many people are unaware of the amount of waste that is created by vaping. Each vaping device contains a battery, coil, and cartridge, and each of these components can end up in a landfill. In addition, vape juice bottles are made of plastic, which takes centuries to break down. As a result, recycle your vape devices and bottles to help care the planet. By recycling just one vape device, you can prevent for many pieces of trash from clogging up landfills. Please do your part to love the earth!
“By incorporating our medium bins into your offices, restaurants, pubs, hospitals, and all accessible spaces for vape users, we’re making a significant contribution to the preservation of our planet. But it’s more than just environmental impact; it’s about recognizing and providing a dedicated space for vape consumers, a group often overlooked when it comes to disposal options. Just as cigarette consumers have options, Recycle your Vape extends this inclusivity and availability through our bins. We appreciate your support in this mission.”

We love the planet and recycle your vape is a tool through which we show how much we care about the environment and that is the main reason for this initiative. We know that many people around the UK are concerned about the environmental impact of vaping, but with our recycling program, you can enjoy your vape without worrying about the Planet. Recycle your used vape products with us and not only will you be helping to take care the planet, you will also be an active part of all the benefits and discounts on our products.